Fixed issue with RIS import and replaced synthesisr RIS dependency
ASySD 0.4.3
Fixed bug in manual deduplication to allow users to proceed before every article has been reviewed
ASySD 0.4.2
Fixed issue in app with incorrect use of mutate in RIS export
Fixed issue in app with redundant arguments from old functions
Updated about page on app
ASySD 0.4.1
Improvements to load_search() to allow for multiple files and without the need to explicity add the method argument
ASySD 0.4.0
Addition of manual_dedup_shiny() function to aid manual deduplication process in the package
ASySD 0.3.5
Simplification of merge functions in deduplication process
Bug fix for extra_merge_fields functionality which prevented correct merging of record_ids
New unit test for manual deduplication
ASySD 0.3.4
Simplification of deduplication functions - broken down into smaller functions and called
Added functionality for batch deduplication + accompanying vignette
Automatically detecting whether shiny app in use or not (for deduplication functions) and removing redundant arguments
Improvements to documentation and examples
ASySD 0.3.3
Improvements to export metadata - now retains URLs in app export
Improved error handling when 0 duplicates present
Additional unit tests for package stability
ASySD 0.3.2
Bug fix in RIS export
Improved error handling for manual deduplication (in app)
ASySD 0.3.1
Bug fix in multi-search upload for RIS
ASySD 0.3.0
Streamlining merging / keep_one_unique functions to adapt to new duplicate id generation logic (igraph)
Ensuring extra_merge_fields supported throughout merging and manual dedup
Improvements to bib imports via databases (bibliometrix data import required)
Removing documentation for internal functions
Simplifying and removing redundant functions
ASySD 0.2.1
Minor bug fix in app logic
Change of wording when generating unique ids (based on row number not row name)
Adding shiny progress updates back in
ASySD 0.2.0
Improvements to documentation files (CRAN submission preparation)
Changed default deduplication type to merged
Improved bib imports via bibliometrix and field code conversions
Improvements to manual deduplication process - no need to go through entire deduplication procedure again
Improvements to merging process / duplicate_id selection by building a network of matching records using graph theory (via igraph package)
Shiny app improvements
Added helper pop-ups
Added flag symbols to indicate when a pair of citations have been flagged for later review in manual_dedup
Bug fix in selection logic when selecting a label / source to keep
Aesthetic changes (colour highlight in tables changed to align with colour scheme)
ASySD 0.1.2
Added new dedup_citations argument for show_unknown_tags (logical) to specify whether merged fields should have “unknown” elements for sources / labels [TRUE] or not [FALSE]
Put a shiny alert with redirect notice on old RDedup web link to Shiny app
ASySD 0.1.1
Added shiny_progress argument to allow loading bar on shiny app
Bug fixes for multiple uploads to shiny app
Bug fixes in RIS import
ASySD 0.1.0
Added a file to track changes to the package.
Bug fix for parallel processing errors (on windows OS)
CRAN preparation - small fixes to ensure CMD check pass
Added multi-search loading functions for shiny app
Added additional import options to load_search() functions, including RIS
Added documentation (user guide and about page) to shiny app