This function performs additional deduplication with the additional of manually flagged duplicates
This function performs additional deduplication with the additional of manually flagged duplicates
merge_citations = TRUE,
keep_source = NULL,
keep_label = NULL,
extra_merge_fields = NULL,
show_unknown_tags = TRUE
- unique_citations
A dataframe containing citations after automated deduplication
- merge_citations
Logical value. Do you want to merge matching citations?
- keep_source
Character vector. Selected citation source to preferentially retain in the dataset as the unique record
- keep_label
Selected citation label to preferentially retain in the dataset as the unique record
- additional_pairs
dataframe of citations with manual pairs, a subset of the manual pairs export. If a
column is included, only those with a value ofmatch
will be merged- extra_merge_fields
Add additional fields to merge, output will be similar to the label, source, and record_id columns with commas between each merged value
When a label, source, or other merged field is missing, do you want this to show as "unknown"?
# Perform deduplication
result <- dedup_citations(citations_df, keep_source="Embase")
#> formatting data...
#> identifying potential duplicates...
#> identified duplicates!
#> flagging potential pairs for manual dedup...
#> Joining with `by = join_by(duplicate_id.x, duplicate_id.y)`
#> 1001 citations loaded...
#> 392 duplicate citations removed...
#> 609 unique citations remaining!
# View unique citations
res_unique <- result$unique
#> # A tibble: 6 × 41
#> author1 author2 author title1 title2 title abstract1 abstract2 abstract year1
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 Oliveir… de Oli… 0.839 Effec… Effec… 0.888 "OBJECTI… "Objecti… 0.933 2009
#> 2 Zou T.,… Yan H.… 0.638 Effec… Effec… 0.847 "Introdu… "Introdu… 0.813 2010
#> 3 Koenig … Abotal… 0.565 Focus… Focus… 0.907 "Skeleta… "Vitamin… 0.775 2010
#> 4 Davaria… Koenig… 0.594 Focus… Focus… 0.903 "Reducin… "Skeleta… 0.789 2010
#> 5 Davaria… Abotal… 0.646 Focus… Focus… 0.909 "Reducin… "Vitamin… 0.781 2010
#> 6 Liu X. … Liu X.… 0.937 Effec… Effec… 0.835 "In a mo… "The eff… 0.769 1997
#> # ℹ 31 more variables: year2 <chr>, year <dbl>, number1 <chr>, number2 <chr>,
#> # number <dbl>, pages1 <chr>, pages2 <chr>, pages <dbl>, volume1 <chr>,
#> # volume2 <chr>, volume <dbl>, journal1 <chr>, journal2 <chr>, journal <dbl>,
#> # isbn <dbl>, isbn1 <chr>, isbn2 <chr>, doi1 <chr>, doi2 <chr>, doi <dbl>,
#> # record_id1 <chr>, record_id2 <chr>, label1 <chr>, label2 <chr>,
#> # source1 <chr>, source2 <chr>, duplicate_id.x <chr>, duplicate_id.y <chr>,
#> # match <lgl>, min_id <chr>, max_id <chr>
true_dups <- result$manual_dedup[1:5,]
# or equivalently
true_dups <- result$manual_dedup
# You can also use a Shiny interface to review the potential duplicates
# true_dups <- manual_dedup_shiny(result$manual_dedup)
final_result <- dedup_citations_add_manual(res_unique, additional_pairs = true_dups)
#> Joining with `by = join_by(record_id)`