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This function performs additional deduplication with the additional of manually flagged duplicates


  merge_citations = TRUE,
  keep_source = NULL,
  keep_label = NULL,
  extra_merge_fields = NULL,
  show_unknown_tags = TRUE



A dataframe containing citations after automated deduplication


Logical value. Do you want to merge matching citations?


Character vector. Selected citation source to preferentially retain in the dataset as the unique record


Selected citation label to preferentially retain in the dataset as the unique record


dataframe of citations with manual pairs, a subset of the manual pairs export. If a result column is included, only those with a value of match will be merged


Add additional fields to merge, output will be similar to the label, source, and record_id columns with commas between each merged value


When a label, source, or other merged field is missing, do you want this to show as "unknown"?


Unique citations post manual deduplication


# Perform deduplication
result <- dedup_citations(citations_df, keep_source="Embase")
#> formatting data...
#> identifying potential duplicates...
#> identified duplicates!
#> flagging potential pairs for manual dedup...
#> Joining with `by = join_by(duplicate_id.x, duplicate_id.y)`
#> 1001 citations loaded...
#> 392 duplicate citations removed...
#> 609 unique citations remaining!

# View unique citations
res_unique <- result$unique
#> # A tibble: 6 × 41
#>   author1  author2 author title1 title2 title abstract1 abstract2 abstract year1
#>   <chr>    <chr>    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>  <dbl> <chr>     <chr>        <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 Oliveir… de Oli…  0.839 Effec… Effec… 0.888 "OBJECTI… "Objecti…    0.933 2009 
#> 2 Zou T.,… Yan H.…  0.638 Effec… Effec… 0.847 "Introdu… "Introdu…    0.813 2010 
#> 3 Koenig … Abotal…  0.565 Focus… Focus… 0.907 "Skeleta… "Vitamin…    0.775 2010 
#> 4 Davaria… Koenig…  0.594 Focus… Focus… 0.903 "Reducin… "Skeleta…    0.789 2010 
#> 5 Davaria… Abotal…  0.646 Focus… Focus… 0.909 "Reducin… "Vitamin…    0.781 2010 
#> 6 Liu X. … Liu X.…  0.937 Effec… Effec… 0.835 "In a mo… "The eff…    0.769 1997 
#> # ℹ 31 more variables: year2 <chr>, year <dbl>, number1 <chr>, number2 <chr>,
#> #   number <dbl>, pages1 <chr>, pages2 <chr>, pages <dbl>, volume1 <chr>,
#> #   volume2 <chr>, volume <dbl>, journal1 <chr>, journal2 <chr>, journal <dbl>,
#> #   isbn <dbl>, isbn1 <chr>, isbn2 <chr>, doi1 <chr>, doi2 <chr>, doi <dbl>,
#> #   record_id1 <chr>, record_id2 <chr>, label1 <chr>, label2 <chr>,
#> #   source1 <chr>, source2 <chr>, duplicate_id.x <chr>, duplicate_id.y <chr>,
#> #   match <lgl>, min_id <chr>, max_id <chr>

true_dups <- result$manual_dedup[1:5,]
# or equivalently
true_dups <- result$manual_dedup

# You can also use a Shiny interface to review the potential duplicates
# true_dups <- manual_dedup_shiny(result$manual_dedup)

final_result <- dedup_citations_add_manual(res_unique, additional_pairs = true_dups)
#> Joining with `by = join_by(record_id)`