Section 4 Create a New Project
You can create new projects via the Projects tab. Enter your project details in the pop-up form that appears.
As part of project creation, you will be asked to specify the inclusion/exclusion criteria for your project. These should be pre-specified in your protocol.
Once you have created your project, you can keep track of your project progress through the Project Details Page on the right-hand side of your screen.
You will automatically be assigned a Project Administrator role in any project that you create.
4.1 Projects with multiple screening criteria
Currently, you can only have one set of inclusion/exclusion critiera per SyRF project. If you wish to have multiple screening stages in your systematic review, for instance title and abstract screening followed by full-text screening, you can do this by exporting your included studies from SyRF following your first screening stage and uploading them to a new SyRF project to complete your second screening stage.
Contact us for a link to a Shiny App which will allow you to export your data.