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dedup_citations() can return potential duplicates for manual review. This function takes these potential duplicates and provides a Shiny interface to review them and select those that should be deduplicated. The output can then be passed to dedup_citations_add_manual() to complete the deduplication, or be used to call this function again if manual review is not yet complete.


manual_dedup_shiny(df, cols = names(df))



A dataframe containing potential duplicate entries, typically returned by dedup_citations().


A character vector of column names to display during the review process. By default, uses all columns in df.


The dataframe with an updated result column, indicating whether each entry is a duplicate ("match") or not ("no_match"). This can be passed to dedup_citations_add_manual() for completing the deduplication process.

The dataframe with a result column indicating whether the entry constitutes a duplicate - to be passed to dedup_citations_add_manual()


if (FALSE) { # interactive()

# Perform deduplication
result <- dedup_citations(citations_df, keep_source="Embase")

# Manually review potential duplicates
manual_review <- manual_dedup_shiny(result$manual_dedup)

# Complete deduplication
final_result <- dedup_citations_add_manual(result$unique, additional_pairs = manual_review)